Clontarf and Dollymount Parish Webcams

Nearby Parish Webcams
A large brick building with a cross on the front of it.
St Anthony's Church
Mass viewable daily at 10:00 am and on Sunday at 11:30 am.
24 Hour Live Stream
A white church with a cross on the front of it is surrounded by trees and a fence.
St Brigid's Church
Mass viewable every weekday at 10:00  am. except Wednesdays.
Sunday Masses 10:30 am and 12 Noon.
24 Hour Live Stream
Church is open everyday after mass until 4pm.
A large stone building with pink flowers in front of it.
St Gabriel's Church
Mass viewable everyday at 10:30  am.
24 Hour Live Stream
Church is open everyday after mass until 4pm.
A large stone church with a cross on top of it
St John's Church
Mass viewable daily and on Sunday at 10:00 am
24 Hour Live Stream
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