Annual Financial Report

Parish Finances

A Message from our Finance Committee Chairperson

Dear Parishioners,

As we come to a close of another financial year it is time to reflect on our journey during 2021/2022. The financial accounts for 2021 are published below for your nformation. The accounts for St Gabriel’s Parish incorporate the income and expenditure for three areas namely; St Gabriel’s Church, The Parish Centre and the Meals on Wheels service. 

All income and expenditure items for 2021 are included below. In addition, during 2021  we realised a gain of over €500k from the sale of a parish house, which allowed us to provide an interest free loan of €300k to St John’s Parish Clontarf for remediation works that were required. The remaining funds will be used for various projects in the

pipeline for the Church and the Parish Hall.

As you can see from the figures below, we are continuing to run at a loss from a day-to-day operational perspective. This is due to a number of factors including increased running costs in addition to falling attendance at masses. The most recent survey indicates a drop of 40% in attendance across all masses in St Gabriel’s compared to

attendance numbers pre Covid.

A special thank you to each and every one of you who are in a position to contribute to the day to day running costs of St Gabriel’s. Your continued support allows St Gabriel’s to remain an integral and important part of our community here in Dollymount providing support and services to our many parishioners.

Alma Corrigan

Chairperson, St Gabriel’s Finance Committee


Financial Accounts 2021

Year Ended Year Ended
Dec. 2021 Dec. 2020 (restated)
Family Offerings 52,141 65,236
Tax Refunds 59,918 35,179
Shrines / Candles 27,221 20,153
Special Events -
Sundry Receipts. 26,112 19,146
Parish Centre Income 81,446 70,226
Meals on Wheels Receipts 103,472 112,199
Bank Interest 710 800
___________ ___________
351,020 322,939
___________ ___________
Year Ended Year Ended
EXPENDITURE Dec. 2021 Dec. 2020 (Restated)
Wages/Contract/Helpers 214,230 201,891
Heat and Light 25,542 24,820
Maintenance and Services 22,671 13,373
Insurance 12,290 13,076
Telephone, Postage, Printing 8,312 7,043
Bank Fees 1,704 1,633
Altar Supplies / Missalettes 5,028 4,063
Pastoral and Training 16,557 1,642
Property Tax/ Water Charges 1,914 3,159
Professional Fees 2,957 4,271
Other Expenses 3,472 3,800
Covid 19 Expense 4,021 9,047
Meals On Wheels Costs 33,209 27,308
__________ __________
351,907 315,126
__________ __________
Net Expenditure / Income -887 7813

Financial Accounts 2020

Year Ended Year Ended
Dec. 2020 Dec. 2019
Family Offerings 65,236 77,534
Tax Refunds 35,179 25,023
Shrines / Candles 20,153 19,556
Special Events - 17,453
Sundry Receipts. 19,146 4,086
Parish Centre Income 70,226 134,579
___________ ___________
209,940 278,231
___________ ___________
Year Ended Year Ended
EXPENDITURE Dec. 2020 Dec. 2019
Wages/Contract/Helpers 125,889 158,040
Heat and Light 20,972 25,194
Maintenance and Services 11,887 15,332
Insurance 12,426 12,380
Telephone, Postage, Printing 6,343 7,430
Bank Fees 1,138 1,271
Altar Supplies / Missalettes 4,063 6,839
Pastoral and Training 1,642 11,737
Property Tax/ Water Charges 3,159 3,949
Professional Fees 4,271 3,223
Other Expenses 3,764 2,832
Covid 19 Expense 8,957 -
__________ __________
204,511 248,227
__________ __________
Net Expenditure / Income 5,429 30,004

Financial Accounts 2019

Year Ended Year Ended
Dec. 2019 Dec. 2018
Family Offerings 77,534 51,863
Tax Refunds 25,023 24,003
Shrines / Candles 19,556 19,681
Special Events 17,453 791
Sundry Receipts. 4,086 7,074
Parish Centre Income 134,579 134,901
___________ ___________
278,231 238,313
___________ ___________
Year Ended Year Ended
EXPENDITURE Dec. 2019 Dec. 2018
Wages/Contract/Helpers 158,040 151,487
Heat and Light 25,194 21,807
Maintenance and Services 15,332 14,072
Insurance 12,380 12,076
Telephone, Postage, Printing 7,430 7,212
Bank Fees 1,271 1,234
Altar Supplies / Missalettes 6,839 7,896
Pastoral and Training 11,737 14,307
Property Tax/ Water Charges 3,949 4,086
Professional Fees 3,223 2,804
Other Expenses 2,832 3,778
__________ __________
248,227 240,759
__________ __________
Net Expenditure / Income 30,004 (2,446)
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